A Pareto Embedded App

The Raindrops embedded app provides a visualisation of real-time location events on a map. Raindrops answers the question: what is the real-time activity as an events heatmap?

  1. each sensor should be associated with a Position
  2. each device to be explicitly tracked should be associated with a track Tag


The controls permit filtering events by directory and by People. Ingestion of events can be Paused.


An event associated with a device with a track tag is indicated in orange, likely to be carried by a person in blue, otherwise in grey.

A solid raindrop indicates a displacement event. A dotted raindrop indicates an appearance or keep-alive event.

POI Associations

The associations for each sensor can be edited in the POI View:

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The table provides an example of the Position association and a link to further documentation.

The Raindrops embedded app will only display raindrop animations for sensors with an associated Position.

Position (X | Y | Z) 0.09163 | 52.2107 | 0 Read documentation

PAT Associations

The associations for each person and thing can be edited in the PAT View:

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The table provides an example of the Tags association and a link to further documentation.

The Raindrops embedded app will observe the track tag and represent real-time location events associated with the device in orange.

Pareto Embedded Apps
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