reelyActive Web Style Guide for Apps

This page serves as a basic skeleton for web apps such as Pareto Anywhere Apps.

Commonly assigned Font Awesome icons

The following table specifies assignments for events.

Icon class Assignment
fas fa-exchange-alt Events
fas fa-sign-in-alt Appearance event
fas fa-route Displacement event
fas fa-info Packets event
fas fa-heartbeat Keep-Alive event
fas fa-sign-out-alt Disappearance event

The following table specifies assignments for raddecs.

Icon class Assignment
fas fa-barcode transmitterId
fas fa-map-pin receiverId
fas fa-info-circle transmitterIdType & receiverIdType
fas fa-signal rssi
fas fa-clock timestamp
fas fa-exchange-alt events

The following table specifies assignments for filters.

Icon class Assignment
fas fa-filter ID filter and such
fas fa-sort Sort by
fas fa-eye Displaying
fas fa-scroll Query template

Digital Trust for Places & Routines

The following iconography informs about the purpose, technology, accountability and data retention of the digital systems present in the physical space.


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