Our step-by-step guide to prepare an SD card with a custom image or Raspberry Pi OS Lite.
Learn how we at reelyActive flash a disk image for a headless Pi.
Use Raspberry Pi Imager to select a Raspberry Pi device, disk image, and apply important common settings.
On the computer you are using to flash the SD card:
Choose the Raspberry Pi Device:
1 Click the "Choose Device" button.
2 Select the target device from the list of devices. In our case, we're selecting the "Raspberry Pi 4".
Choose the Operating System:
Follow these steps if you've downloaded a custom image to your computer from the reelyActive website or elsewhere.
3 Click the "Choose OS" button.
4 Scroll all the way down and select "Use custom".
5 Select the ".img" file on your computer that you want to flash onto the SD card.
Follow these steps if you want to install Raspberry Pi OS Lite.
3 Click the "Choose OS" button.
4 Scroll down and select "Raspberry Pi OS (other)".
5 Select "Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit)" from the list of available OSes.
Choose the Storage Device:
6 Click the "Choose Storage" button.
7 Select the SD card from the list of available storage devices.
If you have connected a compute module, it will also appear here.
Configure Raspberry Pi OS before first boot with Raspberry Pi Imager, ensuring a painless initial connection.
After selecting the Raspberry Pi Device, the Operating System, and Storage, when selecting "Next", a dialogue will ask if you'd like to customise the Raspberryp Pi OS settings.
Click "Edit Settings" to customise the settings before flashing the OS to the SD card.
Selecting "Yes" will apply the settings previously used and you may have to start over!
1 Set hostname: For example, you can set it to `pareto`. This is how the Raspberry Pi will appear on the network.
2 Set username and password: For example, you can use `pi` for the username and `berryinsecure` for the password. This will be the username and password used when logging in to the Raspberry Pi via the terminal or SSH.
As of April 2022, Raspberry Pi OS no longer ships with a default username & password!
Configure wireless LAN:
Set the SSID and password for the WiFi network to which the Raspberry Pi will connect.
Choose the country code for your region.
4 Set locale settings: (OPTIONAL) Select the Time zone and Keyboard layout. It is not required at this step and can be set later if desired.
5 Enable SSH: Select "Enable SSH" and select the "Use password authentication" radio button. This will allow you to login to the Pi via SSH using the username and password you earlier.
6 Click "Save" to save and apply these settings.
Completely erase the SD card and flash the selected image to the SD card.
After applying the OS customisations and clicking "Save", the Raspberry Pi Imager is ready to write the selected image to the SD card, completely overwriting any data on the SD card.
Click "Yes" to start the writing process. 15+ mins
After writing and verifying the process, you may safely remove the SD card from the computer.
Boot the Pi for the first time and connect via SSH over WiFi.
The SD card should only be inserted into (or removed from) the Pi when it is disconnected from power.
Complete the following to boot the Raspberry Pi:
Open a terminal on your laptop and SSH into the Pi with the command: ssh pi:berryinsecure@pareto.local
pi and berryinsecure are the username and password. pareto is the hostname you set for the Raspberry Pi. If you changed these values when customizing the Raspberry Pi, use the values you set.
In some cases the Raspberry Pi may not be accessible via the hostname. In this case, you can find the IP address of the Raspberry Pi by scanning the local network.
Having multiple Raspberry Pi devices on the network can make it difficult to determine which IP address belongs to which device, and can cause difficulty when connecting to it using the hostname. Consider assigning a unique hostname for each Raspberry Pi device.
Now that you're logged in to the Raspberry Pi, it is possible to execute commands such as raspi-config.
You've successfully flashed a Raspberry Pi OS image to a SD card, pre-configured it for headless operation, and connected to it over WiFi via SSH.
Tutorial prepared with ♥ by James Eberhardt.
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