Install our open source software suite on a laptop

Our step-by-step guide to run reelyActive's open source software suite on a laptop or personal computer.

Install reelyActive's open source suite on a laptop

The TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read)

Learn how we at reelyActive deploy our software suite on a laptop or personal computer.

  Although this tutorial is still valid, we recommend instead following the updated version:

What will this accomplish?
The laptop will accept data from IoT/RFID hardware, providing a comprehensive suite of interactive web applications and APIs.
Is there an easier way?
Ask us for a quote to prepare a laptop for you as part of a PoC.
Does this apply only to a laptop?
The instructions are equally applicable to any computer/server, although we do have a tutorial specific to the Raspberry Pi.


A laptop or computer. Consider the following tutorial if preparing a dedicated computer from scratch.

Installing Node.js, npm and git   Step 1 of 3

Install all the prerequisites for the reelyActive open source software.

Why install Node.js?
The reelyActive open source software runs on Node.js.
Why install git?
Because nothing says "I ♥ Open Source Software" quite like git.
Node.js, npm and git

Download and install Node.js and npm Part 1

Check first if node and npm are already installed by running node --version and npm --version from the command line .

From the laptop , browse to and note the latest LTS version number available (ex: 10.15.3). Substitute this version number in all of the commands below.

  1. Change to the home folder with the command cd
  2. Download the Node.js tarball with the command wget
  3. Unpack with the command tar -xf node-v10.15.3-linux-x64.tar.xz
  4. Move the unpacked folder to /usr/local/node with the command sudo mv node-v10.15.3-linux-x64 /usr/local/node
  5. Remove the original download with the command rm node-v10.15.3-linux-x64.tar.xz
  6. Change to the /usr/local/bin folder with the command cd /usr/local/bin
  7. Create here a symbolic link to node with the command sudo ln -s /usr/local/node/bin/node node
  8. Create here a symbolic link to npm with the command sudo ln -s /usr/local/node/bin/npm npm

Confirm that node and npm are successfully installed with the commands node --version and npm --version respectively.

From the laptop , browse to and follow the friendly instructions to download and install the latest LTS version for Mac.

From the laptop , browse to and follow the friendly instructions to download and install the latest LTS version for Windows.

Install git Part 2

Check first if git is already installed by running git --version from the command line .

From the laptop , open a terminal and install git with the command sudo apt-get install git-all

Consult the official git Getting Started Guide for more details, including instructions for non-Debian based Linux distributions.

The easiest way to install git is to install the Xcode Command Line Tools with which it is bundled. Open a terminal on the laptop and run git to start the installation.

Consult the official git Getting Started Guide for more details.

From the laptop , browse to to download and then execute the git installer.

Consult the official git Getting Started Guide for more details.

Node , npm and git are now installed!

Installing hlc-server   Step 2 of 3

Clone our hlc-server repository on GitHub and install all dependencies using npm.

What's hlc-server?
It's a software package that combines all the core components of the reelyActive open source stack.
What does hlc stand for?
HyperLocal Context.
Clone hlc-server

Create a reelyActive folder Part 1

From the laptop , open a terminal and create a reelyActive folder under the home folder as follows ( Windows users can instead complete this step using Windows Explorer).

  1. Change to the home folder with the command cd
  2. Create (if it does not already exist) a reelyActive folder with the command mkdir reelyActive
  3. Change to the reelyActive folder with the command cd reelyActive

Install the software and dependencies Part 2

From the terminal , in the reelyActive folder, install the hlc-server software as follows.

  1. Clone the hlc-server repository from our GitHub with the command git clone
  2. Change to the hlc-server folder with the command cd hlc-server
  3. Install all package dependencies from npm with the command npm install     1 min

Run hlc-server Part 3

From the terminal , in the hlc-server folder, run the software as follows.

  1. Run the hlc-server with the command npm start
  2. Point a web browser to localhost:3001 to observe the hlc-server web interface.

The reelyActive open source software suite is now installed.

Running as a systemd service   Step 3 of 3

Configure the software to run as a service each time the laptop boots. ( Linux only)

Why systemd?
It is becoming the de facto standard for system and service management among Linux distributions.
Why run on boot?
For convenience of course!
Run hlc-server on boot with systemd

This optional step applies only to Linux systems.

Enable the hlc-server service Part 1

From the same terminal , and from the hlc-server folder, configure systemd to run the hlc-server service by completing the following:

  1. Copy the unit file to the systemd system folder with the command sudo cp units/hlc-server.service /lib/systemd/system
  2. Edit the copied file, updating, in both places, the username to that of the corresponding laptop user
  3. Enable the hlc-server service with the command sudo systemctl enable hlc-server.service
  4. Browse again to localhost:3001

Observe the hlc-server landing page.

Confirm that hlc-server runs on boot Part 2

Reboot the laptop and confirm that the hlc-server landing page is indeed once again served at localhost:3001.

If necessary, it is possible to disable the service with the command sudo systemctl disable hlc-server.service.

Embrace the ambient data in your space

Pareto Anywhere is pioneering open source software for real-time location and context.

Where to next?

Continue exploring our open architecture and all its applications.