Configure an Impinj R700 Series Reader

Our step-by-step guide to configure the reader to forward data for processing by Pareto Anywhere.

Configure an Impinj R700 reader with Pareto Anywhere

The TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read)

Configure readers as IoT infrastructure using reelyActive's open source middleware

What will this accomplish?
The R700 will forward ambient RAIN RFID decodings to a server running Pareto Anywhere.
What's Pareto Anywhere?
Pareto Anywhere is open source IoT middleware that makes sense of who/what is where/how, in any physical space, in real time.
What's the interface?
This integration uses the Impinj IoT Device Interface which was introduced with the R700 Series family of readers.


An Impinj R700 Series reader.

Impinj R700
Impinj R700 Series

Learn more from the manufacturer, contact us for sourcing:

  Impinj   Contact reelyActive

Configure operation   Step 1 of 3

Connect to the R700 to configure its operating region and settings.

How to power?
The R700 is powered via PoE (Power over Ethernet), either from a PoE switch or a PoE injector.
How to connect?
The R700 accepts connections on the local network to which it is connected by Ethernet.
Impinj R700 power and connectivity

Connect to the R700 Part 1

First note the three pairs of digits on the reader label (impinj-XX-XX-XX) and then:

  • apply power to the reader by connecting it to PoE power sourcing equipment (PSE) using a standard network cable
  • from a laptop connected to the same network as the reader, browse to impinj-XX-XX-XX.local, replacing the XX as per above
  • if the browser warns of a potentially unsafe HTTPS connection, follow the necessary steps to proceed
  • log in to the reader with user root and password impinj

If the reader's operating region is not configured (factory default), a notification will be displayed, as below. Proceed to Part 2 to configure the operating region, otherwise skip ahead to Part 3.

Impinj R700 initial connection alert

Configure the operating region Part 2

From the reader configuration page, change the operating region by following the 3 tabbed steps below:

Change operating region
Select Change Region from the R700 Reader section.
Select operating region

Select the operating region from the pull-down menu. For example, for the USA and Canada select FCC Part 15.247.

"You are responsible for ensuring that the RF settings are correctly set."

Select Change Region to update the operating region.

Reboot into operating region
Select Reboot to complete the change to the new operating region.

Once the reader has rebooted to the selected operating region, proceed to Part 3 below.

Configure additional settings Part 3

From the reader configuration Home page, in the R700 Reader section, ensure that Impinj IoT Device Interface is the selected interface.
Impinj IoT Device Interface

If required, configure the reader network settings from the Network page.

Impinj R700 Network Overview

If the Network Time Protocol (NTP) displays its status as Unsynchronized, specify a static NTP server such as to ensure accurate clock synchronisation between the reader and the Pareto Anywhere server.

Configure data forwarding   Step 2 of 3

Configure the R700 to collect and forward data to a remote server running Pareto Anywhere.

How is data collected?
The R700 supports inventory configurations which specify how/when to read tags.
How is data forwarded?
The R700 supports MQTT, Kafka and Webhook. The webhook is natively supported by the barnowl-impinj module of Pareto Anywhere.
Impinj R700 Webhook to Pareto Anywhere

Configure webhook Part 1

Browse to the Event Reporting page and select the Webhook tab. Complete the configuration as below:

Leave all other fields blank
Parameter Value
Enable Webhook Output
Server URL
replace the x with the IP address of the Pareto Anywhere server
Port 3001
Impinj R700 Webhook Event Reporting

Click Save to save the webhook configuration and initiate forwarding.

Impinj R700 Webhook status

The Webhook status at the top right of the reader configuration page will change from   grey to either   green, if the reader is able to HTTP POST data to the specified server, or   red, otherwise.

Even if the Webhook status becomes   green, an inventory profile needs to be activated for tags to be read and the data to be forwarded. This is covered next in Part 2.

Activate inventory profile Part 2

Browse to the Profile Presets page. Activate an inventory configuration by clicking Start on the preset of your choice.

The default configuration can be used to validate the forwarding of tag reads on Antenna Port 1.

Impinj R700 Profile Presets

When a configuration is running, the Reader status will turn   green.

Impinj R700 active

Create inventory profile Part 3

From the Profile Presets page, select Create to create an inventory configuration with parameters that match the actual deployment, and with Tag Inventory fields optimised for processing by Pareto Anywhere.

The following tabs list the recommended and example settings for an inventory configuration.

Example settings for Antenna Configurations
Parameter Value Notes
Antenna Port 1 Clone 1 to Ports 2-4 as required
Transmit Power 3000 3000 cdBm = 30 dBm
Session 0 0-3
Population Estimate 32 2x value, bias low
RF Mode Max Throughput Prioritise throughput
Recommended selected fields for Event Configuration
Field Value raddec equivalent
Include Reader Hostname receiverId
Antenna Port
EPC transmitterId
Last Seen Time timestamp
Peak RSSI rssi
Recommended settings for Tag Inventory behaviour
Parameter Value Notes
Reporting Inverval(s) 0 Real-time
Tag Cache Size 2048 Adjust as required
Antenna Identifier Port Standard practice
Tag Identifier EPC Standard practice
Inventory event configuration for Pareto Anywhere

Click Save to save the configuration. The configuration can be activated as described previously in Part 2.

Observe data in Pareto Anywhere   Step 3 of 3

Run the Pareto Anywhere open source middleware to observe the forwarded data.

How to run Pareto Anywhere?
We provide friendly tutorials to install on a laptop, a Pi, etc.
Is there a quick and dirty way?
Yes. Our barnowl-impinj package provides a simple means to receive reader data and log to the console (see below).
Impinj R700 Data in Pareto Anywhere

Observing data in Pareto Anywhere requires no additional action if an instance based on the pareto-anywhere package is running, or, for quick-and-dirty validation, run barnowl-impinj as described below.

If a Pareto Anywhere installation based on the pareto-anywhere package is already present and running on the target computer on the host network, the data forwarded by the gateway should be available in both the web apps and APIs.

To quickly validate that data is correctly received on the target computer on the host network, it is possible to run barnowl-impinj standalone to listen for HTTP POSTs on port 3001 as follows:

git clone
cd barnowl-impinj
npm install
npm start

If the reader is correctly configured, and at least one RAIN RFID tag is in range, raddec data should appear in the console.

Enjoy the real-time data stream

Our cheatsheet details the raddec JSON output from the Pareto Anywhere open source middleware.

Tutorial prepared with by jeffyactive.

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