"Owl" about the following data structures:
#raddec #dynamb #spatem #idtype
A raddec represents a generic radio decoding.
{ "transmitterId": "...", "transmitterIdType": 0, "rssiSignature": [{ "receiverId": "...", "receiverIdType: 0, "rssi": -99, "numberOfDecodings": 1, "receiverAntenna": 3, "aoa": [ 0, 0 ] }], "timestamp": 1645568542222, "packets": [ '...' ], "events": [ 0, 2 ], "position": [ 0, 0, 0 ] }
A raddec can be converted to/from a compact binary representation using the raddec library.
Radio-identifier of the transmitting device.
Type of radio-identifier of the transmitting device. See #idtype index below.
Radio receivers ordered by decreasing RSSI ( signal strength). Each object in the array has the following properties:
receiverId | (hexadecimal, lowercase) |
receiverIdType | (whole number) See #idtype |
rssi | in dBm (integer) |
numberOfDecodings | (minimum 1) |
receiverAntenna* | (whole number) |
aoa* | [ azimuth, elevation ] |
* optional property
UNIX epoch (in milliseconds) representing the time at which the radio-transmission was received.
Hexadecimal strings (lowercase) representing individual raw transmission payloads, without duplicates.
Index list of events associated with this radio decoding:
The calculated position of the transmitting device based on its radio decodings.
Recommended encoding is WGS 84 for interoperability: [ lat, lon, ele ].
A dynamb represents dynamic ambient data from a specific device.
{ "deviceId": "...", "deviceIdType": 0, "timestamp": 1645568542222, "property0": value0, ⋮ : ⋮ "propertyn": valuen }
Identifier of the device from which the data originates.
Type of identifier of the device from which the data originates. See #idtype index below.
UNIX epoch (in milliseconds) representing the time at which the data was collected.
Property name | Value example | Type | Units | |
acceleration | [ -0.2, 0.9, 0.3 ] | Array of Number 1 | g | |
ammoniaConcentration | 300 | Number | ppm | |
amperage | 4.8 | Number | A | |
amperages | [ 4.8, null, 0.4 ] | Array of Number 2 | A | |
angleOfRotation | 180 | Number | degrees | |
batteryPercentage | 50 | Number | % | |
batteryVoltage | 3.3 | Number | V | |
carbonDioxideConcentration | 1000 | Number | ppm | |
carbonMonoxideConcentration | 1600 | Number | ppm | |
dissolvedOxygen | 111 | Number | % | |
distance | 0.5 | Number | m | |
elevation | 152 | Number | m | |
heading | 270 | Number | degrees | |
heartRate | 60 | Number | bpm | |
illuminance | 333 | Number | lux | |
isButtonPressed | [ false ] | Array of Boolean 2 | — | |
isContactDetected | [ true ] | Array of Boolean 2 | — | |
isHealthy | true | Boolean | — | |
isLiquidDetected | [ false ] | Array of Boolean 2 | — | |
isMotionDetected | [ false ] | Array of Boolean 2 | — | |
languages | [ 'fr', 'en' ] | Array of String | ISO 639-1 | |
levelPercentage | 55 | Number | % | |
magneticField | [ -0.7, 0.3, 0.1 ] | Array of Number 1 | G | |
methaneConcentration | 1.908 | Number | ppm | |
nearest | [ { "deviceId": "...", "rssi": -42 } ] |
Array of Object | dBm | |
nitrogenDioxideConcentration | 174 | Number | ppm | |
numberOfOccupants | 7 | Number | — | |
passageCounts | [ 12, 34 ] | Array of Number 4 | — | |
pH | 7.0 | Number | — | |
pm1.0 | 1.5 | Number | μg/m3 | |
pm2.5 | 15 | Number | μg/m3 | |
pm10 | 50 | Number | μg/m3 | |
position | [ -73.5, 45.5, 88 ] | Array of Number 3 | [ lon, lat, ele ] | |
pressure | 101325 | Number | Pa | |
pressures | [ 101325, 99999, null ] | Array of Number 2 | Pa | |
relativeHumidity | 69 | Number | % | |
soundPressure | 42 | Number | dBSPL | |
speed | 1.1 | Number | m/s | |
temperature | 21.0 | Number | °C | |
temperatures | [ null, 21.0 ] | Array of Number 2 | °C | |
txCount | 123456789 | Number | — | |
unicodeCodePoints | [ 0x1f989 ] | Array of Number | — | |
uptime | 60000 | Number | ms | |
velocityOverall | [ 0.0035, 0.0014, 0.0111 ] | Array of Number 1 | m/s | |
volatileOrganicCompoundsConcentration | 0.065 | Number | ppm | |
voltage | 5.1 | Number | V | |
voltages | [ 5.1, 4.9, null ] | Array of Number 2 | V |
A spatem represents spatial temporal data in relation to a specific device.
{ "deviceId": "...", "deviceIdType": 0, "type": "...", "data": { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "...", "coordinates": [] } }] }, "timestamp": 1645568542222 }
Identifier of the device from which the data originates.
Type of identifier of the device from which the data originates. See #idtype index below.
Either "position" or "location".
A GeoJSON FeatureCollection, the contents of which correspond with the spatem type. See RFC 7946.
UNIX epoch (in milliseconds) representing the time at which the spatial-temporal data was compiled.
A common index for device/transmitter/receiver identifier types.
index | Identifier | Length | Used by |
0 | Unknown type | variable | n/a |
1 | EUI-64 | 64 bits | LLRP, reelyActive (see reel) |
2 | EUI-48 | 48 bits | Bluetooth Low Energy, WiFi |
3 | RND-48 | 48 bits | Bluetooth Low Energy (random address) |
4 | TID-96 | 96 bits | RAIN RFID (EPC Tag Data Standard) |
5 | EPC-96 | 96 bits | RAIN RFID (Electronic Product Code) |
6 | UUID-128 | 128 bits | RF Controls |
7 | EURID-32 | 32 bits | EnOcean Alliance |
8+ | Reserved | variable | Future use |
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