What can you do with reelyActive technology at Notman House?
Click on the buttons below to experience some open source web applications using our live sensor feed from the house:
Smart Space Contextual API Dashboard
Indeed! There are at least 7 of our reelceivers permanently installed in the house. And their live sensor feed is openly accessible from our cloud platform via:
Each reelceiver detects Bluetooth devices that are in range. This includes devices such as:
The following image, adapted from the Matterport 3D Showcase highlights the sensor locations and their directories. Each sensor has sufficient range to cover at least the wing of the floor on which it is located.
Ask our API: /contextat/directory/notman:first
In two words, Hyperlocal Context. For compatible Bluetooth Smart (aka BLE or Bluetooth 4.x) devices, our platform will:
Ask our API: /whereis/transmitter/78bdbc3bbb74
The reelyActive cloud collects and forwards the real-time sensor data stream. No historical data is saved on our servers. The real-time data is consumed via our REST API or websockets, and it is also forwarded to partner services including:
Check out mnubo's GitHub for SDKs for examples and use the following credentials:
We'll be updating this page as the hackathon progresses and open source integrations are added. Check back regularly!